Working with age as a professional: support and categorisation

Over the last few decades, the French-speaking sociology of ages has focused on the ages transitions (Diasio, Vinel, 2017; Galland, 2011; Mauger, 2015) and how they are framing by public policies (Guillemard, 2010; Lima, 2016). Even though more and more scholars are working on this subject, an increasing number of researchers is calling for building a transversal sociology of ages  (Chamahian, Lefrançois, 2012; Van de Velde, 2015) but the sociology of age remains highly segmented by category (Van de Velde, 2015): sociology of childhood (Sirota, 2006), of pre-adolescence (Diasio, Vinel, 2017), of youth (Galland, 1990, Mauger, 2010), of ageing (Hummel, Mallon, Caradec, 2014). Themes also have often compartmentalised researches, leading scholars to work on a specific age group: this is the case for socialisation (Pagis, Lignier, 2017) or school (Delalande, 2001). The sociology of work, for its part, has produced an abundant field of research on age at work questioning the entry into a career (e.g. Mignot, Perrin-Joly, Sarfati, Vezinat, 2014) up to the hazards of its end (e.g. Burnay, 2013; Lefrançois, 2012). However, although age is considered as a category of the career path, it is rarely studied as an object of activity for those who supervise age transitions.

Thus, few scientific spaces propose to compare the work of those who accompany these age groups with the life course of those who are "accompanied". At the beginning of life, childhood specialists, educators, teachers, animators (Voléry, 2014) and doctors (Cozzi, Vinel, 2015) are involved in supervising adolescence and youth and bringing them to adulthood (Lima, 2016). Then, over the course of their careers, integration/reintegration experts and human resources managers read the career paths of the workers they receive in terms of age standards and the shift towards "too old" (Burnay, 2008) or the confinement in "too young" (Boussard, 2017). Finally, those who work to support the transition to retirement (Guillemard, 2010), through the ageing process and until death, participate in defining the criteria for old age (Moulaert, 2013), its different stages (Piou, 2013; Moulias, Moulias and Busby, 2010) and lifestyles (Loffeier, 2015).

Axes of questioning

Since age is "just a word" (Bourdieu, 1984), the social construction of the ages of life by/in the professional worlds must be understood from three points of view:

1/ Categories and age transition as a challenge for the professionalisation of occupational groups

2/ The production of these categories by the same professionals.

3/ The appropriation of the old age/youth categories by users and their participation in the co-construction of these categories.

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Organisational committee

RT 25 : Constance Perrin-Joly, IRIS / Univ. Sorbonne Paris Nord

RT 7 : Veronika Kushtanina, LASA / Univ. Franche-Comté,

          Cécile Charlap, LISST-CERS / Univ. Toulouse II Jean Jaurès

Scientific comittee

Marc Bessin, IRIS / CNRS

Nathalie Burnay, Univ. De Louvain / Namur

Blandine Destremau, IRIS / CNRS

Dominique Glaymann, CPN, Univ. Evry

Thibault Moulaert, Pacte / Univ. Grenoble-Alpes

Nadège Vezinat, Regards, Univ. Reims Champagne-Ardennes

Virginie Vinel, LASA / Univ. Franche-Comté,

Ingrid Volery, 2L2S, Univ. de Lorraine

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